ILS Colloquium


14 May 2020
15:30 - 17:00
Microsoft Teams

Jan ten Thije

Lingua Receptiva / Luistertaal

Utrecht University

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Lingua Receptiva / Luistertaal is a multilingual communicative mode in which people use different languages and understand each other on the basis of receptive knowledge of the other’s language.

In this lecture, I will start by discussing the theoretical concept of Lingua Receptiva in relation to comparable concepts such as Mutual Intelligibility, Polyglot Discourse, Receptive Multilingualism, Intercomprehension and Semi-Communication (ten Thije 2018; 2020).

Secondly, I will present the outcomes of the study commissioned by the Nederlandse Taalunie with regard the practices of Lingua Receptiva in Construction, Health Care and Education (Ten Thije, Gulikers & Schoutsen 2020).

Finally, I will discuss some recent Lingua Receptiva developments in the administration of Utrecht University since the University Council’s decision to facilitate international students and lecturers by introducing the use of Lingua Receptiva (Verbiest 2015; Ten Thije et al 2016; Correale 2020).



Correale, V. (2020). Multilingualism in University Council meetings: What contribution can Lingua Receptiva make to the inclusivity of an internationally oriented university. Master Thesis Intercultural Communication. Utrecht University.

Gorrisen, C., Hekke, J. van, Mulkens, T. Ommen, H. Tol, M (2017) Luistertaal. Video in opdracht van Nederlandse Taalunie. Universiteit Utrecht.

Thije, J.D. ten (2018). Receptive multilingualism. In D. Singleton & L. Aronin (Reds.), Twelve Lectures on Multilingualism (pp. 327-363). Bristol, VK: Multilingual Matters.

Thije, J.D. ten (2020). Case study 4: Lingua Receptiva at the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) of the European Commission. In R. Beerkens, E. Le Pichon, R. Supheert & J.D. ten Thije (Eds.), Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Organizations. Insights From Project Advisers. New York, VS & Londen, VK: Routledge.

Thije, J.D. ten, Gulikers, E. & Schoutsen, K. (2020). Het gebruik van Luistertaal in de praktijk. Een onderzoek naar meertaligheid in de bouw, de gezondheidszorg en het onderwijs in Nederland en Vlaanderen. Den Haag: De Nederlandse Taalunie en Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht.

Thije, J.D. ten, Gooskens, C., Daems, F., Cornips, L., & Smits, M. (2016). Lingua receptiva: position paper on the European Commission’s Skills Agenda. Den Haag: De Nederlandse Taalunie.

Verbiest, F (2015). Inventarisatie van luistertaalpraktijken bij drie Europese universiteiten: Luxemburg, Bozen-Bolzane en Lugano. Interne publicatie. Utrecht: Utrecht Universiteit.